Well, between PennDot, the judges in Pennsylvania, and MADD, it is getting crazy when it comes to being able to have a legal drink.
There is this guy in Lebanon who admitted to his doctor that he drinks a six pack of beer a day. The doctor told the police, who initially revoked his license. A judge ruled that he can keep his license, but must install an ignition interlock device.
LEBANON - A county judge upheld the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's decision to recall the driver's license of a Lebanon man who the agency considers to be an alcoholic.But in his ruling, Judge Bradford Charles said PennDOT should not suspend Keith Emerich's driving privileges indefinitely. Because of the unique situation, Charles ordered Emerich to install on his car an ignition interlock, a device that would prevent him from starting the car if he's been drinking.
Emerich, 44, said yesterday he can't afford the rental fees, which could cost more than $1,100 a year.
"It's not an option for me," said Emerich, of the 400 block of North Fifth Street. "I've already tapped into my 401k plan. I can't even fight [Charles' decision], I'm so tapped out. I'm thinking of contacting the ACLU."
Charles' decision comes about three weeks after a July 29 hearing at which Emerich appealed the suspension.
Emerich has been unable to drive since he received the recall notice from PennDOT on April 1. He thought it was a practical joke until he contacted the agency and learned that an unidentified doctor reported him as having a condition that could impair his driving ability.
By law, physicians are required to report anyone who has a medical condition that interferes with his or her ability to drive safely. Such conditions include epilepsy, diabetes, poor eyesight, even old age.
First off, I would sue the hell out of that doctor. For all the bitching doctors do about being sued for being stupid, this does not help their cause.
Second, the guy should cut down on the hootch, but that is his right to drink a six pack of Bud everyday.
Third, the guy committed no crime. He never has had a DUI, yet the state is requiring an interlock device, just in case he does
If I were him, I would get a lawyer and thake this up the chain of courts. PennDot requiring this law sets a dangerous precedent. They already infringe on our rights by pulling me over at checkpoints for not breaking any laws.
Stalin would be proud.
Goodbye freedom.
Remember Annie Jacobsen? She wrote in Women's Wall street about many suspicious activities
Suddenly, seven of the men stood up -- in unison -- and walked to the front and back lavatories. One by one, they went into the two lavatories, each spending about four minutes inside. Right in front of us, two men stood up against the emergency exit door, waiting for the lavatory to become available. The men spoke in Arabic among themselves and to the man in the yellow shirt sitting nearby. One of the men took his camera into the lavatory. Another took his cell phone. Again, no one approached the men. Not one of the flight attendants asked them to sit down. I watched as the man in the yellow shirt, still in his seat, reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small red book. He read a few pages, then put the book back inside his shirt. He pulled the book out again, read a page or two more, and put it back. He continued to do this several more times.
Is it not possible that dry runs are being performed by terrorists to see what our defenses are? It is also being reported that Muslims are recruiting non Islamic men and women to do recon. We are at war with terrorists who want to destroy us, and actions like the ones Ms. Jacobsen witnessed cannot go unchecked.
But apparently the "Blame America First" crowd think Annie is just a cook.
Over at Pandagon.net, they have a "she just must be crazy" outlook.
Now, the officials in question contend that there was no threat from the Syrian musicians, although they did think that Annie was a threat because she wouldn't shut the fuck up about terrorism. I think that Billie Jo (who's not my lover) is actually being interviewed by the woman who caused her paralyzing fear
This type of shrugging off of the threat is the same thing which led us to be in this situation in the first place. If we would have acted in 1993, 1996 or 2000, perhaps 9/11 would have happened.
But if the folks over at Pandagon would have their say then, we would have just been fear mongering racists.
I like how people refer to President George W. Bush by his middle initial. Maureen Dowd repeatedly refers to the President as "W".
A lot of conservatives seem to get upset by this, but my question is what's wrong with being known by only a single letter? Q is cool! |
The libs talk and bitch and moan about disenfranchisement, but when it comes down to it, New Jersey is the state that invented screwing the will of the voter. But you'll never hear about it because they are Democrats.
A few years ago when Bret Schundler was looking like he was going to beat Sen. Robert Torricelli in the New Jersey Senate elections, The Torch dropped out and Jim McGreevey appointed Frank Lautenberg to run against him. They even said that it was so the seat would not go to a Republican.
Now that Jim McGreevey is resigning admid controversey he is waiting until after the election to actually step down. That would deny the voters a chance to vote for the replacement of their choice. Right now that favorite looks to be.. you guessed it...Bret Schundler.
So this weekend I went down to the county fair and saw a bunch of has been 60 year old guys perform. They were Flo and Eddie, better known as "The Turtles".
It wasn't a bad show, but it was sorta sad seeing these two old farts dancing around playing songs which haven't been heard on mainstream radio since 1970.
What was more disturbing was them telling us to register and vote for change. What the hell. I didn't pay my 8 bucks to go to the crummy fair to hear a bunch of aging hippies tell me to vote for "Change". That is code word for "Vote for Kerry".
That's why I hardly ever listen to music channels anymore. I don't want to put up with that shit. I just listen to talk radio.
At least I know what I'm gonna get.
Over at IMAO, Frank J. has a problem. It seems that he is linked up with the Puppy Blender in a controversy about a shirt.
It seems that a "Celebrate Diversity" shirt about the diversity of guns that Glenn wears also has a quote by Frank about his fear of Monkeys.
Steve Willard is very harsh with his criticism, and really goes out of his way to connect some dots. Apparently the diversity shirt is mocking diversity and puts down blacks via it's use of Pan African colors.
Fear of monkeys on Frank's part is really a code word for "Nigger".
I've had run ins with libs, a lot of libs. To them every damned thing is either a controversy or a conspiracy theory. Nothing is cut and dry, and everything is not as as it seems.
I like what Signumd Freud said. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
The left portrays Bush as a dumb bumbling fool. They like to lead you to believe that his whole administration is nothing more than the Keystone Cops.
As Sarah puts it, if Bush is so stupid, the left who fell for his "tricks" must be stupider than them.
Like the great coach of Penn State does. Talk up your enemy so when they do beat you, you don't look so bad. If you say they suck, when they beat you, you REALLY suck. |
Awww Shucks. Gotta watch out for Toledo!! |
It seems that there are too many on the left who want to use powers outside those of regular free market choice to control what is said and who says it. The whole political correctness movement is evidence of that. If something you say may offend someone, you are not allowed to say it. No more "Merry Christmas". It's now "Seasons Greetings".
In a more chilling example of government sponsored censorship, Iowa Democratic Senator Sen. Tom Harkin has introduced a bill that would jeapordize Rush Limbaugh's hour of airtime on the Armed Services Radio Network.
AFRTS receives federal funds to provide radio and television shows to American service members worldwide. But Mr. Harkin said the organization provides no countercommentary to the "extreme right-wing views" on Mr. Limbaugh's radio show.
It's not like the people in the military don't want him. An hour of his show was added after a write-in campaign during a vote on programming changes landed him more votes than anyone who was even on the ballot.
I am not saying there aren't conservatives who use their power to silence what is said, because there have been. Most of the examples we see on a daily basis such as eliminating God in the Pledge of Allegiance, eliminating Columbus Day celebrations, and editing our history books is done in such a sly backdoor way and happens so slowly that we hardly notice it, until it is almost too late.
Just like the old wives tale goes. You can put a frog in boiling water, and he'll jump right out, but him in cool water and slowly bring it to a boil, and the frog allows himself to be cooked.
If we aren't careful of these infringements on our speech, we will lose those rights forever.
Popular Mechanics, the magazine on all things mechanical and well...popular, is under a lot of heat from a small but vocal number of its readers who feel the magazine is too pro gun and features too many gun articles and advertisements.
From a Review site on Popular Mechanics Magazine:
I received a subscription for Christmas last year as it seemed like a pretty broad based magazine with lots of good articles on a variety of topics. And that is absolutely true - however, I ultimately cancelled due to the number of advertisements for handguns. Call me what you will (and yes, I'm from that bastion of liberalism, Massachusetts) but I could not support a periodical that advertises these items. Just my own personal feelings on this matter.
Popular Mechanics is a gun friendly magazine, as evidenced by articles like this one which explains why the assault weapons ban must end. Another article why smart guns are a dumb idea
The gun friendly leaning tendencies of Popular Mechanics have not gone unnoticed by people who support gun control or gun bans. Some letters have been sent into Joe Oldham, the editor of the magazine, showing displease at the amount of gun articles, opinions, and advertisements.
In the June 2004 edition of Popular Mechanics Mr. Oldham addressed the issue:
As the editor, yes, I decide what will run and what will not. And yes, I enjoy the shooting sports and am a member of the National Rifle Association. I believe that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees me, and individual, the right to own a firearm. Like most of the readers of Popular Mechanics I am generally a law-abiding citizen, have served in the armed forces of this country and am not a "gun nut". From letters I received, I think I'm pretty much in step with the majority of our readers. Knowing that I have the support of most of you reading this, I can tell you categorically that no amount of irate letters or whining or protesting will scare me into forcing gun articles out of these pages. It's part of our heritage. It's part of our editorial mission.
And that's why we print articles on firearms. Let the letters begin. Till next time.
It's about time someone stood up against the political correct atmosphere in today's society. As a consumer the people who don't like the editorial content of the magazine have every right to not read the magazine, or just ignore those stories. They don't have the right to try to shut those ideas and stories down.
I am watching that shitbird redneck Bill Clinton speak right now about all sorts of bullshit. I have not seen so much twisting of truths since that time I read a transcript from one of The Prell Girl's court appearances.
Bill is spinning all sorts of lies, too many of them to go into right now. But he is spinning them faster than FDR in his grave that the Jackass party has turned so wacko.
Fitting right now I smell a skunk outside my window; it appears that God has a sense of humor. Skunk outside my window, Clinton speaking.
Moxie pointed out that Planned Parenthood has designed a shirt, which they sell on their web-site which allows women who have had abortions to share their life experiences with others.
Small and tight fitting, it barely covers your small, flat stomach which once carried a small human.
If you want to see the ad campaign going along with the shirt, expand this entry: (the advertisement may frighten small children and Muslims)
Click-it to see-it BIG
I just heard news about a proposal to ban smoking in all indoor workplaces in Pennsylvania, including bars and restaurants. It is being pushed forward by state Sen. Stewart Greenleaf, R-Montgomery County. To tell you the truth, I'm getting sick of writing about this crap.
From the Pittsburgh Channel:
A state lawmaker says the time has come to ban smoking at all workplaces in Pennsylvania, including bars and restaurants.
State Sen. Stewart Greenleaf, R-Montgomery County, says he will push for legislation simlar to that of California, New York, Maine, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida and Massachusetts, where the law is already in place.
"It's not a question of if it will happen, it's a question of when," Greg Hartley, assistant director of Smokefree Pennsylvania, told reporter Kelly Frey in a Channel 4 Action News report from October 2003. "We think it will happen soon."Secondhand smoke causes 53,000 deaths a year in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute.
Rumblings surfaced early last year about a possible smoking ban at Allegheny County bars and restuarants. The noise was quieted by the state's Clean Indoor Air Act, passed in 1998, which establishes no-smoking sections in restaurants but prohibits most local governments from further restricting smokers.
Some eateries have voluntarily extinguished smoking. A Web site, NoSmokeDining.org, lists about 100 smoke-free restaurants in Allegheny and surrounding counties
I believe this to be an intrusion on our lives by an ever increasingly powerful government. I think that the free market should decide which establishments are smoke-free, or that allow smoking.
To me it is all about freedom of choice. There is the freedom of the owners of bars and restaurants to allow their customers have a smoke with thier meal or with their drink. If they want to be smoke-free, that’s their choice as well. A customer should also be able to choose a place to go when they don’t want to be around smoke, or one which allows them to smoke.
The government says this is all to protect your health. They have your best interests at heart. Well, there are a lot of things which are bad for you. Eating too much, eating fattening foods, drinking alcohol, and not exercising are just a few. Are they next?
The government cites obesity as a major health problem now. Is the government going to now tell a restaurateur what food he can sell? Or tell me what I can eat? Or force me to exercise? Twenty years ago the thought of a state-wide smoking ban would have seemed crazy so who knows anymore.
I am totally against this proposed law. It has nothing to do with my personal views on smoking; it has to do with my view on the role of government in trying to protect us from every little thing they view as dangerous. From seatbelts, to cell phones while driving, to cigar and cigarette smoke.
Here comes the nanny-state.
Learn more about what liberty is by visiting Consent of the Governed.
I refer to liberals and people who are against individual liberty and for massive government programs at the expense of higher taxes communists. To me socialsm and communism are not far from one another.
Need proof? Check out this dictionary.com definition:
Socialism: The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
How does that definition differ from the definition of Communism?
Communism: A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
Many Liberals hate it when we call them America haters. Ann Coulter even wrote a book on the treasonous nature of the American Left. Case in point:
From CNN:
Former President Ronald Reagan's health is deteriorating, according to sources familiar with the situation.
The 93-year-old former president had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease about a decade ago and began a retreat from public view.
According to sources familiar with the situation, the White House has been told Reagan's death could happen in "weeks or months."
Sad news. Sad when any President dies. Though I did not much care for Clinton's policies, I would still be deeply saddened if/when he dies. Hell, I even was sad when Hillary's dad died. Human compassion comes naturally to the right.
But that doesn't stop the folks over at DU from having a dance on his grave party. Just read some of the posts:
----Only better would be if he croaked after Kerry is sworn-in.
I will be having a "ding dong the witch is dead" party when he goes.
2nd worst president ever, with * in first place for that title.
----An in the case of Nancy, Im sorry but she deserves every single thing she has had to deal with over these past 20 years. My Father -in-law just passed away last month after having Alzheimer's for the past 10 years so I have a pretty good understanding of whats involved. Yeah, it is a living hell not only for the person but for those in the family. I'll say it again, she got everything she deserved.
----So he gets no special treatment from me. I will have a bottle of Jack ready to celebrate that fucker's death. The world will be a better place without that fascist fucker's presence to soil it.
Fuck anyone who says I lack compassion. The world should rejoice at the death of tyrants and tools. I save my compassion for those he fucked over, and all of the ones his disciples have fucked over, or anyone who is sympathetic to fascists and fascism.
Reagan will die, just like everyone else does. Where is it written that rejoicing in the inevitable is bad, especially when you consider what foul vermin he was?
The only thing that will sadden me about his death is the fucking lionization from the media. You will witness the biggest whitewashing of a president's life and career not seen since JFK.
Fuck Reagan, his supporters, his sympathizers, and his miserable existence upon the planet. Piss on his grave.
What fucking assholes. They should name DU the Fuckwhit Underground. These people don't care about America. If you did you would sometimes do against what you peronally believe for the greater good of the country.
Their hatered for Bush is so white hot, that they would run America into the ground just to see him fail.
All I can say is that when Bush does win re-election over Kerry, it will be intersting to see how the left will totally implode.
They hate Ronal Reagan. They think he was a horrible President. WTF? All he did was lead us out of a horrible economy left over from the Peanut Farmer, end communism, and restore the pride this country lacked in the 1960s and 1970s.
These halfwits over at DU are the red diaper babies of the hippy communist sympathizers of the 1960s. These people are the intellectually elite, hate America types who secretly cheer at every soldier's death. They love countries like France and Germany because of their commitment to the failed institution of socialism.
They are lazy people who want a socialist society so they can continue to not contribute to society but still reap the rewards those of us who do work for get.
These people are a danger to this country. They are traitors, treasonous scumbags, sick with hate and disdain for those of us who work for a living.
Time and time and time again history has shown them on the wrong side of history. History will again show them as soulless, loveless, and devoid of any real clear strategy to continue to make this country a place of bounty, where anyone can become great.
Even a peanut farmer.
Susie over at Practical Penumbra pointed out the crazy lies and conspiracy theories of the left evidenced by the lunacy of Elderbear
In short here are typical conspiracies thought of by the left, followed by the truth.
Mr. Bush allowed Iraq to become a distraction from the war on terrorism.
First off, he's the President, show some respect asshole. It's President Bush, or Mr. President.
Unlike any other war in history, this war isn't a way against any particular country, or leadership. It is against terrorism. Terrorism is able to continue because of the facist regimes which perpetrate lies about America and western culture. When people are oppressed, they will do evil things. Evidence: Hitler's Germany.
Iraq is one phase of the war on terrorism. Having a stable western-friendly Islamic democracy in the middle-east will create a stable place for freedom to spread, and through freedom stability and peace will be sure to follow.
Mr. Bush lied to the American people and the world about the threat posed by Iraq.
President Bush never said that Iraq was an imminent threat. He said we should act before Iraq became a threat. He said Iraq is a gathering storm. And I guess since Bush lied, so did Mr. Kerry, President Clinton, Vice-President Al Gore. All of them called for Iraq disarmarment and the removal of Hussein as recently as 2000.
Mr. Bush has instituted policies that destroy the freedoms of Americans.
No freedoms are being destroyed. I still come and go as I please. I still own a gun, sleep in, and do everything I've done before 9/11. No freedoms are being destroyed. Unless you count the freedoms of non-American citizens who wish to destroy our culture, then yes, "freedoms" have been destroyed.
Mr. Bush has de-emphasized solving the Israeli-Palestinian quagmire
President Bush has done the right thing. Palestine is lead by Hammas and other terrorist groups. Hammas does not want to co-exist with Israel, they want Israel destroyed. Terrorists only know force, and by allowing Israel to deal with Palestine as a security threat it will ensure a more secure Isreal, a democracy and a true friend in the middle-east.
If elected, Mr. Bush can be counted on to continue a policy of international beligerence, thus strengthening the terrorist call to action.
President Bush is not beligerent. He is defending the United States in the manner outlined in his job description. His job description does not mean getting permission from the corrupt waste-of-space United Nations.
This same United Nations with their corrupted "Oil For Food" program where countries like France, Germany, and Russia had sweet deals with Iraq for purchasing their oil. No wonder those were the three countries which opposed our Iraq policy.
As you can see the left is totally losing it. When their only news source is moveon.org, or Democratic Underground, no wonder the kooky fringe is moving to the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
The election is not even here yet, and already the Dems are starting to unravel. Just look at Al Gore. I think he is certifiable. He is totally insane. If you heard his comments, its freaky that we almost had him as President.
There are other insane cooks out there, and for your pleasure I've compiled a list of who I think are the most insane of the bunch.
But just wait, when Bush wins the election, I think there will be mass lefty suicides. They just can't stand that the electorate, except for smelly hairy armpited girls name moonbeam and pony-tailed college professors, have rejected them.
First there is Al Gore, nuff said. |
Then there is the High Priest of hate, the man who made hooded outfits sheek. Robert "KKK" Byrd. |
Then there is Kennedy. This guy has killed more brain cells from drunkeness than Keith Richards. The only reason this guy would go to an AA meeting would be to find pretty young girls to drown in his car. |
And of course, you can't have a list of crazy lefties without Howard Dean. This guy is so crazy he has his own song |
"I was angry first, fucker!" |
See, the Dems are losing it. They can't stand to be out of power, and know that the Americans are agaisnt them, so they are totally whigging out. |
From Wire reports:
The wife of a U.S. senator is due in court next month, charged with assault after an alleged incident at a garden center.
Wanda Baucus is the wife of Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana. She is accused of assaulting a woman Tuesday at Johnson's Garden Center on Van Ness Street, Northwest.
The alleged incident happened in the parking lot of the garden center.
Sources told News4 Mrs. Baucus was upset because another customer was getting help with mulch ahead of her.
The alleged victim said Mrs. Baucus parked her silver BMW so that it blocked the woman's car. After the two exchanged words, Mrs. Baucus allegedly struck the woman with a closed fist and then struck her several more times in the upper body, according to court documents.
Then, witnesses said, Mrs. Baucus drove away.
Haha, it's fun to watch.
Here is the much taked about Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB)
If you notice while reading it, it is pretty vague, and shows an unspecific threat by Bin Laden made in 1997 and 1998. That was before Bush was Presidnet. Who was president then? Who? hmmm. I don't remember.
Maybe I should ask the posters at DU.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US
Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."
After US missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, Bin Ladin told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a ...(redacted portion) ... service.
An Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) operative told an ... (redacted portion) ... service at the same time that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the operative's access to the US to mount a terrorist strike.
The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of Bin Ladin's first serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the US. Convicted plotter Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to attack Los Angeles International Airport himself, but that Bin Ladin lieutenant Abu Zubaydah encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation. Ressam also said that in 1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack.
Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los Angeles operation.
Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded, his attacks against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares operations years in advance and is not deterred by setbacks. Bin Ladin associates surveilled our Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993, and some members of the Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 1997.
Al-Qa'ida members -- including some who are US citizens -- have resided in or traveled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks. Two al-Qa'ida members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb our Embassies in East Africa were US citizens, and a senior EIJ member lived in California in the mid-1990s.
A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin Ladin cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks.
We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ... (redacted portion) ... service in 1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Shaykh" 'Umar 'Abd al-Rahman and other US-held extremists.
Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of Bin Ladin supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.
I'm so happy for the liberals. They finally have an avenue for their progressive viewpoints. They have been kept down by evil Clear Channel and the vast right wing conspiracy.
That's right, Air Radio America has hit the airwaves. With stalwarts of deep thought Al Franken and Ganeane Garofalo they are sure to Al's show, The O'Franken Factor promises a Zero Spin Zone. We need more Irish show names. I've never seen a show with a O' in the title. Also, I'm glad there will be no spin, so many shows don't promise that. |
Seriously, with such right wing news sources like the New York Times, CNN, the LA Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, PBS, and NPR, I'm glad the left will have a voice for their original ideas.
Plus with all the hollywood conservatives contributing to right-wing campaigns, we need a balance of progressive thought.
Looks like I'm being talked about. Over at American Black they talk about a post by notoriously venemous Mac Diva in which she attacks me for my post about Public School's Evil Nature.
Her response is well thought out, backed up with facts, and has a lot of merit.
Where I start ignoring people, though, is when they immediatly throw out the race card by accusing someone of racism or bigotry without so much as a concrete example.
Much to what Mac Diva will have you belive, I am not, never have been, and never will be a racist. Aside from the occasional comment troll, I urge you to find something on my site I've said which is racist in nature.
I may say some things which may irritate a few like when I made fun of the NAACP, but you have to take the humorous posts with the serious ones, and be able to tell the difference. Note to people: When I write in a post how NPR is used to put people to sleep behind the wheel of the SUVs, it's mostly likely a humerous post.
In my experience, when people have poor arguments, self esteem issues, and know they've beaten in a discussion, they resort to name calling. It is also typical liberalism to label someone a bigot or a racist if they disagree with something.
Against gay marriage?
Against Affirmative Action?
Want to go see "The Passion of The Christ"?
And BTW, what does MAPP mean. Diva and now this guy refer to me as MAPP
Terrorists 1
Freedom 0
Sixth member of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" | Well because of the spineless EUers, they now have a new president in Spain. A socialist no less, and he has said he will no longer help with the war in Iraq. They way they see it, if they put their heads in the sand and beg not to be bothered, they terrorists will leave them alone. This also further scares me because if the polls were any indication, the terrorists attacks directly influenced the election. Even if it didn't, it looks like it did, and the terrorists see that. With elections coming up in our country, I would be careful. |
One thing going on our side is the Electoral College. If a week or so before the election Bush is ahead in the polls, and an attack happens, and Kerry wins, Bush can still be re-elected, thanks to the Electoral College. One of the reasons the electoral college was instituted was to stop sudden swings in voter sentiment. Just as in Spain when the Popular party was firmly in the lead until the attacks where they then lost to the Socialist party. In America even if Kerry were to win the popular vote, the electors would not have to vote for him, and could vote for Bush. |
They should change the name of the Democratic Underground to the Asshole Underground. This pathetic unemployed bunch of whiners actually seem to be rejoicing that bombs exploded in Spain. They see it as a way to defeat Bush.
Instead of showing solidarity with a fellow Demomcracy, they are cheering and holding it up as an example, in their twisted thought process, of why we must not attack terrorists, but try to be their friends. They see the attack as a way to make John Kerry President
This whole think really stinks. I think the conservative element is Spain is pulling some shit. And it may very well be a preview of our upcoming election season.
I also had a post deleted by the moderators.
It was in response to someone accusing me of a double standard. He equated cracking down on terrorists the same as busloads of Jewish school children being blown up by Jihadists.
Subject: You are wacked
If you equate protecting Jewish citizens from terrorists as killing innocent Muslims, then you are wrong. Anyone who indiscriminatly kills another group is WRONG. Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.
Meanwhile the following post was NOT removed and was in a larger subthread about why we should kill terrorists.
Subject: Kill them all
Let's start with Junior and the NeoCons.
I hope the Organic food the DUers eat gives them a deadly disease.
Most of the people at the Democratic Underground are not good Americans, and not true believers in Democracy and freedom. They are so filled with hatred for Bush, they will rejoice when people die if they think it will make Bush unelectable.
I remember Rush Limbaugh saying something about 4 years ago or so. He said when the liberals lose power is when they get really wacky. They are filled with hatred because they think they didn't really lose, and that's why they hate Bush. When Bush smaks John Kerry in the general election, and they lose legitimately, I think you will see all kinds of total mental breakdowns. We will have to build new psychiatric hospitals for this new condition that will exist.
Well, I was at a meeting today, and I met some happy big city liberals. They were all happy doing their liberal stuff, and I came to one conclusion.
They listen to NPR a lot. Why is it whenever I run into big city liberals they are always talking about a show they heard on NPR. Not only that they are always bringing up the fact that they heard something on NPR, or this or that.
The thing I hate most about NPR, in addition to the fact that big city liberals listen to it, is that it is always at around 88 on the FM dial, always interfering with my iPod playing music through my FM car radio. Here I am happily listening to Toby Keith, only to have "The Taliban Song" inturrupted by "Almost All Things Considered."
The only time I would ever listen to NPR is when I want to kill myself by falling asleep behind the wheel of my SUV and go off the road, hitting a tree (an endangered one)
Now at this meeting I was followed on the agenda by this:
R. Ace Baiter: NAACP Election 2004
Now when I saw that the NAACP was going to talk about the election I knew there was going to be an attack on Bush, aggressive or passive aggressive.
Well R. Ace Baiter spoke on the desperate need to get out to vote. DESPERATE need to vote this year so we have a president who is elected and not 'selected'. WTF?? I'm not even going to get into that old discussion. It was over 4 years ago!!
About half the room, the half with trendy Lisa Loeb glasses and copies of the latest Dan Brown novel cheered. A third sat quietly, and the rest grumbled. I sat quietly because a community meeting on community health is not the place to get political.
Ms. Baiter followed up her talking point with "well whether you think the current president is good or bad we need to vote" blah blah blah. I rememberd that my wife and a few of my conservative friends haven't registered to vote recently, so I took several of her voter registration forms to get more Republicans registered. Take that Ms. Baiter.
My dad always said you learn something new everyday. Today I learned that NPR is listened to by a lot of big city liberals, and the lefties still haven't gotten over Gore losing.
I was at a meeting yesterday at a public school, and we were talking about various programs and services they are offering. And one thing they discussed disturbed my greatly.
They were talking about a grant offered by the American Cancer society, and as part of it the promoted cirriculum in schools which indoctrinate kids in anti big business and anti big tobacco thought.
These kids are required to write their favorite restaurant pleading with them to go smoke free. It reminds me of a time when I was in school and we had to write President Reagan asking him to save the rainforests. It is not the school's right to push their left wing agenda on these kids. These children with their brains full of much are much too susceptible to this sort of thing, and it's got to stop.
And I also have a bone to pick with the American Cancer Society. This same group who works to keep teens off smoking (a noble goal) wants to take a grant from Kraft Foods to work on nutrition workshops. The Cancer Society said that if they took money from Kraft they would pull their funding because Kraft is owned by Altria, the parent company of Phillip-Morris, the tobacco company.
After seeing what sort of political agenda the American Cancer Society has, along with the threat of them pulling funding from already cash strapped non-profits leads me to think that I will no longer give money to these a-holes at the American Cancer Society.
Frank J. over at IMAO is getting down and dirty with The Limey.
In short: There is this crazy Cake Eating Limey Socialist and Frank J., freedom loving American. Socialists meets Freedom Lover. You decide who wins.
Just wanted to say hi to Talon at ISDL. Welcome to blogdom. Stop by and say hi.
I've always wondered what happens in the day of an average Democratic Underground reader and poster. Thanks to spies behind enemy lines, I've discovered what an average day is like for them.
Itinerary for Average DU operative
10:00 : Wake up. First thought is how much you hate George Bush.
10:15 : Go downstairs to see what mom left in the fridge for breakfast.
10:25 : Ironly lost on fact that she prepared fluffy golden waffles for breakfast. Realize that because of George Bush there are many Iraqi children who will never eat waffles again because he murdered them.
10:30 : Think of funny new nickname for George Bush.
11:00 : Listen to "All Things Considered". Enjoy segment on Haliburton's raping of Iraq.
12:30 : Go outside to get your copy of the New York Times. Very excited becasue Paul Krugman is back from vacation. Think that thanks to Bush and his Nazi friends many homosexuals will be murdurerd instead of married.
1:00 : Tune into Democracy Nowprogam on the Free Speech Network. If the Fairness Doctorine was instated it would be on all radio instead of that Fascist Sean Hannity.
1:30 : Eat some Vegetarian Hummus stuff
2:00 : Take a nap. Must keep up energy for all night Bush-Hate-A-Thon on DU
6:00 Mom wakes you up and asks you to bring your laundry down to the laundry room.
6:30 : Watch the CBS Evening News. Tivo Peter Jennings for the conservative angle. Must be fair!!
7:00 : Login to Fark to look at boobies and post an article about how 3 millions jobs were lost under George Bush.
8:00 : Login to DU and join interesting discussion about how there are so many Zionists in the Bush administration.
9:00 : Have someone banned from the DU for brining up that Bush does have a pro African-American stand by having Rice and Powell as high level cronies.
Blasphemy!! Martin Luther King would be rolling in his grave!!
9:30 : Mom checks on you and brings you cookies.
10:00 Watch a special encore of Real Time with Bill Mahr because Michael Moore is on it. He really laid into that Nazi Ann Coulter.
11:00 : Switch Faux News on briefly to see what that Fascist Bill O'Reilly is doing. He is such a dumb Catholic.
12:00 : Join discussion on how closed minded conservatives are especially those freepers. Their discussion boards are so one-sided.
2:00 Log off your computer and finish reading last month's edition of "The Nation."
4:20 : Go To Bed.
The Demogogues are trying to ban more guns. Fuckers.
Frank over at IMAO is talking about it. over there.
Basicially what it amounts to is that the Senate is trying to pass legilstion to give immunity to gun manufacturers from lawsuits. What happens are ambulance chasers (not unlike John Edwards) are suing gun manufacturers because some wacky crackhead decided to steal a gun and kill someone.
They want to weaken that proposed legislation and add more guns to the "Assault Weapon Ban".
Republicans in the house have already said "fuck you" to 2nd amendment bashers like Chucky Schumer. They won't pass any legislation which reinstates the old assault weapons ban, let alone adds to it.
Well, over at DU, the Liberal Commie Pinkos are totally going nuts. They are furious that George Bush is proposing a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
Here are some highlights:
The integrity administration...
If this passes, my wife and I are leaving this country for good. Despicable.
Totally disgusting.
I guess we have no poor to clothe and no hungry to feed.
"CHIMPANZEE McSHRUB" = A thuggish despicable Bigot.
prez. dipshit is clearly going for the homophobe vote.. as if he didn't already have it.
keep driving the log cabin repukes out of your camp. give a clear message that the repuke party doesn't tolerate tolerance. that just means more votes for us!
Plus, if you saw all the angry icons and such floating around, you'd see how they are losing it.
I can only imagine how bad they will be pissed off if Bush wins re-election.
For today's angry liberal highlight of the week, I would like to award all lefties with the award of most annoying a-holes. There have been many things in the news lately. From the Miserable Failure calling Bush a desserter to the ravenous way the media has been attacking bush, demanding his military records, lefties have gone plum crazy.
My grandfather always said true partisan liberals were mean people. He cited examples like Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy. Conservatives, for the most part, are nicer and more laid back. And web-sites such as The Democratic Underground and The Angry Liberal don't do much to discount the idea.
I have not done enough research to validate that, but I do know what I see in the press and in the Democratic debates.
Take this from the Glenn Beck hatemail archives:
You f---ing right-wing nut!!! You and Rush Limbaugh must suck each other's d---. Think you Bushies are smart? Try taking every right-wing bulls---ter off of the radio waves, and watch the Republicans collapse!! You're probably like all the other little republican yuppies. Never worked a day in your life. I don't mean spouting off your mouth on a regular basis. I mean good old fashioned physical labor. You dumb sh--.
Wow, that is mean. I really am swayed by this guy's arguments. I was also shocked when Howard Dean called Bush a Gang Leader. I never knew he lead a gang. I was shocked...shocked.
The trouble is true lefties are like children. They want stuff. Yelling gimme gimme gimme. When their parents (conservatives or taxpayers) who are the ones who have to pay for it say no, work for it on your own, they get pissed and say "I hate you mommy and daddy, you guys are mean".
It's called tough love.
Look at the attacks on the Bush administration from the likes of Barbara Streisand, The Dixie Chicks, Alec Baldwin, and Michael Moore. All very hateful. When they can't resort to winning the battle of ideas, they call names.
I hate you mommy.
Those weirdos at Democratic Underground are at it again. This time they found Frank J.'s funny commentary on typical Democratic Underground messageboard posts.
From my front of spying on the Democratic Underground, I've come across a few gems of progressive thought. I found it simply within 15 seconds after going to DU. It is about them talking about how Jesus didn't exist. I don't know if you belive in Jesus or not, but face it. He did exist.
The story of Jesus is an allegorical tale of the movements of the sun through the heavens and most of the stories related to him are tales that relate to movements of other objects (Stars, planets, constellations) through the seasons and the sky. The story of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ is CLEARLY a play if one doesn't suspend ones critical thinking skills.
For those that don't buy this, ask yourselves this question:
What day is Easter on? You know that Xmas is always on Dec. 25th but Easter differs year to year. Why?
I need duct tape to hold my head from exploding from this next one. They say that even though Bush never said "imminient threat" sic he didn't have to because:
The factual rebuttal to their "Bush never said imminent threat, he never used that word, blah, blah", of course, is that he didn't have to. The US -friggin- Constitution does.
U.S. Constitution
Article I.
Section. 10.
Clause 3:
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such IMMINENT Danger as will not admit of delay.
Well nice bit of cut and paste Mr. Lib, but Section 10 clause 3 referrs to State's rights. Just like Clauses 1 and 2 basically say that states can't enter into other confederations, coin coins, or post export/inport dues other than mandated by Federal law. Blah blah blah.
But laws and such don't really matter to Libs. Just like thier "living breathing document" diatribe when they talk about the constitution.
Since there are so many buttheads out there, I am replacing my "Stupid Liberal of the Week" feature with "Dumbass of the Week".
This week I want to congratulate the people over at Democratic Underground. These wacky libs are totally out there, and love to post all sorts of crazy ideas in their discussion threads. I love how they bitch about conservatives being nazi's and gloat about how they are all about free and open discussions.
But look at their main rule:
We welcome Democrats of all stripes, along with other progressives who will work with us to achieve our shared goals.
This is a "big tent" message board. We welcome a wide range of progressive opinion. You will likely encounter many points of view here that you disagree with.
We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned.
If you have been banned from Democratic Underground, you are not permitted to log on again using a different username. Previously banned members will be immediately banned, regardless of behavior.
People who repeatedly and willfully break the rules, or who generally engage in rude, antisocial behavior, will be banned. It doesn't matter if you are a progressive or a long-term member of this board
Frank J. over at his IMAO has a great post about it as well.
Today in "Identifying Common Liberals 101" I want to show you what angry lefties look like. Lefties are often young, urban, trendy latte drinking shit throwers.
For lack of good ideas, they make up for it in shrillness and rude, innane comments.
Take Tekwh0re's Blog This totally wacked out person is a prime example of a pissed off liberal.
They drink a lot of wine, and talk about poetry and other bullshit.
Though they claim to love America and the Constitution, they are all about bad mouthing the NRA. The love to point out the fact that GW Bush didn't get the most votes, again ignoring the Electoral College (which is in the Constitution).