March 10, 2004

Public School's Evil Nature

I was at a meeting yesterday at a public school, and we were talking about various programs and services they are offering. And one thing they discussed disturbed my greatly.

They were talking about a grant offered by the American Cancer society, and as part of it the promoted cirriculum in schools which indoctrinate kids in anti big business and anti big tobacco thought.

These kids are required to write their favorite restaurant pleading with them to go smoke free. It reminds me of a time when I was in school and we had to write President Reagan asking him to save the rainforests. It is not the school's right to push their left wing agenda on these kids. These children with their brains full of much are much too susceptible to this sort of thing, and it's got to stop.

And I also have a bone to pick with the American Cancer Society. This same group who works to keep teens off smoking (a noble goal) wants to take a grant from Kraft Foods to work on nutrition workshops. The Cancer Society said that if they took money from Kraft they would pull their funding because Kraft is owned by Altria, the parent company of Phillip-Morris, the tobacco company.

After seeing what sort of political agenda the American Cancer Society has, along with the threat of them pulling funding from already cash strapped non-profits leads me to think that I will no longer give money to these a-holes at the American Cancer Society.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 10, 2004 09:57 AM

Oh yeah, school's evil. I went through 12 years of hell there. They don't teach, they attempt to control. They wanted me to conform and be a good little preppy, but I didn't go with their flow.

Posted by: hawk at April 20, 2004 09:57 PM

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