March 05, 2004

Friday is For the Fish

Frank J. has a similar problem to me. Having to eat fish (or no meat) on Friday's

I was born Catholic, and even though I switched to Diet Catholic (Episcopalian), I still get guilted for eating delicious meat on Fridays.

So I will eat my fish (I recomment the Wendy's fish sandwich), and like it, kinda.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 5, 2004 04:53 PM

LONG JOHN SILVERS ALL THE WAY!!!! Though, I dunno much bout catholicism, does it say anything about your fish being deep-fryed? ;)

Posted by: Taron W at March 5, 2004 09:27 PM

You can eat the fish any which way you can.

Posted by: Tom at March 5, 2004 10:15 PM

Ok, that's what I figured, but i thought I ought to make sure.

Posted by: Taron W at March 5, 2004 10:33 PM

Actually, the fish thing was started by the vatican to make people buy fish, which the fish mongers kicked up some of the proceeds to the holy father.

Posted by: Tom at March 5, 2004 10:59 PM

ok.... You know, things like that always seem like they should be... I dunno, holier than they really are. ;)

Posted by: Taron W at March 6, 2004 09:41 AM

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